Here's the example that you asked for, Maestr0. Hopefully you guys can get that first part working faster. NTFS is very similar to FAT, so you won't find an increase in speed there. Then I get this code, but the former seems to be much slower than the latter, the latter being the old code:
I would need it to recurse, though.Ĭount1 += ComObjCreate('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetFolder(source).Files.CountĬount1 += ComObjCreate('Shell.Application').NameSpace(source).Items.CountĬount1 += ComObjCreate('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetFolder(A_LoopFileFullPath).Files.CountĬount1 += ComObjCreate('Shell.Application').NameSpace(A_LoopFileFullPath).Items.Count using AutoHotkey_L:!: This will not recurse subfolders. MsgBox, % ComObjCreate('Shell.Application').NameSpace(A_MyDocuments).Items.Count. MsgBox, % ComObjCreate('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetFolder(A_MyDocuments).Files.Count